Public reports prepared by North Coal.
2021 Sustainability Report
July 27, 2022 (Sparwood, BC) North Coal has released its 2021 Sustainability Report that discloses the company’s environmental, social, and governance performance for the Michel Coal Project. This is the company's third report prepared under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, a framework selected for its robustness in transparency and accountability. The move to GRI Standards reporting is an example of North Coal’s commitment to continuous improvement and transparency. Highlights in the report include: Achieving zero fatalities and zero lost-time incidents in 2019 and expanding our safety program to improve risk management. The small team contributed over 100 volunteer [...]
2020 Sustainability Report
July 10, 2021 (Sparwood, BC) North Coal has released its 2020 Sustainability Report that reports on the company’s environmental, social, and governance performance for the Michel Coal Project following the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. This is the second report prepared using the GRI Standards and the company’s fourth sustainability report. 2020 brought its own unique set of challenges. Our team quickly implemented safety protocols to keep people healthy. As well, our engagement with Indigenous groups and communities moved to an online, virtual world. While we all rapidly learned to navigate the new landscape, we look forward to meeting [...]