Connecting with Communities
Our commitment to the communities we operate in is at the forefront of all we do.

First Nations
North Coal acknowledges that its proposed project is within the asserted traditional territory of the Ktunaxa Nation and may also be of interest to other Bands and Nations.
North Coal is committed to working with the leadership and knowledge-holders of the Ktunaxa Nation regarding their interests, concerns, values and policy objectives. North Coal values innovation through partnership and has committed the resources to collaborate with the Ktunaxa Nation.
North Coal has entered into an engagement agreement with the Ktunaxa Nation Council to establish a reliable process and framework for the Ktunaxa to participate in the proposed Michel Coal Project.
We recognize our obligation to inform and involve the Ktunaxa in our proposed mining project in a transparent and respectful manner that addresses their traditional, cultural, economic and social values and interests.
On Ktunaxa Lands is an introduction to ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa and is shared as part of North Coal’s acknowledgment to the lands on which our project sits.
For more information visit
North Coal thanks the Ktunaxa for sharing this knowledge with us.

Community Investment
We believe in investing in communities. Through the donation of time, talents, and dollars, our team gives back to the communities in which we operate.
North Coal supports community initiatives, events, and programming that make the places we live better. Initiatives include amateur sports, rod and gun clubs, fish and wildlife organizations, chambers of commerce, service groups, and more.
Healthy, vibrant communities and collaborative partnerships are fundamental to the ongoing success of North Coal. If you’d like to discuss how we can collectively make our communities better places to live and work, please send us an email at

Health and Safety
North Coal operates a safe and healthy workplace, ensuring all employees and contractors are prepared and equipped to perform their work with limited health risks in an efficient manner and go home at the end of the day.
North Coal employees and contractors are responsible for conforming to safety requirements and for behaving in a way that will not cause harm. Employees and contractors have the right of refusal when they feel working conditions are unsafe.
We maintain an effective health and safety management program based on continual improvement to contribute to the well-being of employees, contractors, and communities.
Our health and safety guiding principles are:
- No harm: All injuries and incidents are preventable by following the control hierarchy, order of control measures.
- No Repeats: All incidents are investigated to determine the root cause and action taken to prevent a recurrence.
- Zero Tolerance: Rules and standards must be simple and non-negotiable, with zero-tolerance enforcement.